Wednesday, April 13


We're all getting ready for the baby over here in our own special ways.

Carter watches Babies (the documentary) almost every day. 
He tries to share his apple juice with the baby, and rubs my tummy while saying, "Get out."

Li got his Tdap shot yesterday.  And you should get yours too.  I'm not being paranoid, I know the chances are extremely small that my child will be exposed to pertussis.  Last year in California there were at least 10 pertussis-related infant deaths, enough to declare an epidemic, but still a small number percentage wise.  But why should there be even one?  And what if that one was yours?  Read about Natalie's here.

And me?  Well, thanks to a free trial of Netflix, Prisonbreak has replaced all nesting activities around here.  Let's be honest, it's replaced ALL activity around here.  Now I wake up in the night thinking that secret service men are coming to get me, instead of thinking I have to save the world one gallon of paint at a time.  Surprisingly the secret service men are much less stressful!!


-Kyle and Emily- said...

Yeah for Tdap shots!

Lisa Johnson said...

I am glad that everyone is getting ready for the baby. I could do something to get ready for the baby too if you want. I am sure there is something in my crafty arsenal that I could do, just let me know if there is anything in particular you would like and I will do what I can!
And don't feel like you are being paranoid about pertussis. If you feel strongly about it there is nothing to feel paranoid about.

Amber said...

So cute that Carter is demanding the baby to "Get OUT!". Love it! Hope all other prepartions are going well. Take care of you!