Tuesday, September 7

a VERY busy weekend


mikensi said...

for real??? big brother?? are you prego or was carter's shirt on sale???

::dallas:: said...

Sweet!! :-)

Tara said...

Yea!!! Congrats. You must be so excited. So does this mean no marathon?

Kim said...

I'd say that's a pretty good excuse if you were looking for one. When we saw you the other day and you mentioned you wanted a girl or a brother for Carter I didn't catch on that you meant now. Congrats! You guys must like June babies (or around there anyway) too!

Melissa said...

YAY! so happy for you. can't wait to chat tomorrow.

(and yes, it WAS a busy weekend!)

mikensi said...

ah ha! you ARE!! how fun! we went to texas roadhouse the night before we found out we were prego.. funny!

Lisa Johnson said...

I totally knew it! I also remember you saying something about kids the other day and thinking "holy crap, she's totally pregnant!" but I didn't want to say anything. You know, it's kinda one of those things you want to mention on your own terms! So many congrats! I am way excited for you guys!