Wednesday, August 11

Blunder Week: My frame

See the big frame that is mostly pictured above?
I got it at DI for $5.
It came with a green and yellow picture.

For a LONG time it served to block the stairs so Carter couldn't crawl down.
For another LONG time it's been propped in the corner of my room upside down.

FINALLY I got brave during naptime and painted it.
And then I went back to check on it and give it a second coat....

It was painted to the dry wall underneath it.



Amber said...

Drat, but nice job! Also I truly love your sweet little garden. Too bad it's life was so short. :) That's one tough zucchini!

Lisa Johnson said...

I have done that. It is a total 'drat' moment. Great deal though! What are you going to do with a frame that big anyway? When you detach it from the drywall that is.