Thursday, August 26

I don't think I like running.

Last night I read this informative and rather humorous article on run/walking.
This morning we actually made it out the door with our running shoes on.

I suggested we try running 9 minutes and walking 1.
My thinking was that it had been so long I didn't think I could run anymore.
Li's idea was we could run faster if we were taking breaks.


We ran way too fast for my comfort.
And planning on walk breaks just got me thinking that I couldn't do it without.

As we started running up one little hill I laughed to myself about how we started this training all gung-ho.
First stop marathon,
final destination Ironman.


After October I vow to only do exercise I like.

But then again, about 50 yards from home I starting thinking how it might be fun to train for a marathon by running 26.2 miles every week.

At first you would spread it out over 6 days and as it got closer to your race you would squish the mileage together on a few days.

Maybe fun for SOMEONE ELSE!


Kim said...

I want to love to run. I used to love to run (when I was like 13!). I want to run a half marathon, but all of this does not change the fact that I cannot get out there because I feel like if I have to walk I have failed. That article was awesome. If I have to walk just as 18 cars drive down the same street, well I'll just put a confident look on my face knowing that I am R/W training. Thanks!

jen said...

You go Kim. Maybe someday YOU can try my "fun" marathon training plan.