Tuesday, August 10

Blunder Week: Plants

We were so excited to plant a garden this year.
It was our first.
Li read a book.
We went to 3 or 4 stores looking for a specific fertilizer.
We weeded,
bought seeds,
and then we watered.

And then we watched most everything go down two gopher holes.

And then we lost enthusiasm and forgot to water very often.

And then 2 months later I went outside and was 
literally shocked to remember that we had planted a garden.

(We were so gung-ho we even had our Webelos plant a square foot garden box.)

Good news?

It turns out you can plant zucchini
and then COMPLETELY forget about them and they will still grow!


Lisa Johnson said...

There is always next year.
Sounds like us, but not really. My dad gave Joe some radish seeds and said they sprout really fast. Like, 21 days. Joe planted them, quite a while ago. About a week ago Joe says, well I guess my radishes didn't work out. I had totally forgotten that he had planted them. He even remembered to water them. Poor guy.

mikensi said...
