Tuesday, June 8

Someone who knows something: Kylie on Becoming More Peaceful

****Post edit****
Kylie wrote this post based on things she learned at an Arbinger workshop.
Click here if you are interested in attending a workshop yourself.

Whatever you "do" on the surface, people respond to who you are "being" when you are doing it.

When I see the truth, I feel care and compassion. Feeling care and compassion, I have recovered my sense of what others need. I see things I can do. Things I should do. Things I desire to do.

Cry for another's pain. Realize a wrong and apologize. Suffer a wrong and don't require apology. I no longer exaggerate their faults and my virtue. They are no longer objects of blame. I am ceasing to blame others because it is the right thing to do for them--not because of what I want them to do for me.

I understand that others carry burdens I do not see--including burdens I have placed on them by my own prior self-betrayals.

Seeing now with compassion, my view of others changes whether they change or not.

"Herein lies my freedom: The world I encounter springs from my own soul. Herein lies my fate: Which world will spring from me?"

The power to choose is within me. I choose every minute, every day. Therein lies my hope.

-guest post by kylie, from www.spencerandkylie.blogspot.com


jen said...

I think I need to start by picking just one of these things and mastering it.

Melissa said...

LOVE that first quote. And the line, "Which world will spring from me?" You are fabulous.