Monday, June 7

smart goals

I recently read a post called "21 before 21" at The Feminist Housewife.  

Tomorrow I turn 27.  
(I think that's right, I was born in 83.  That's right, right?)
21 before 21 won't work for me.
28 by 28 seems ambitious.

And the only goal I've thought of so far is...
make my own swimming suit.

Hmmm....maybe I'll go with 1 by 30.


Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

Hehe! Thanks for the link. You made me laugh! = ) Have a happy birthday!

Lisa Johnson said...

You are way ambitious. I can help you come up with 27 more things!

My sister's friend Taren did a 25 by 25. She's a hoot.

Chelsey - The Paper Mama said...

Hmmm, I think I'll try a 28.5 by 28.5. Time to think of a list...